Hello to whatever world might be out there

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Case TV2 Regionerne

New digital platform for the Danish regional TV-stations

Local news and television in Denmark is produced by 8 independent TV stations under the umbrella of TV2 regions. To stay relevant and maintain a strong online presence, the regions needed to undergo a major digital transformation of their entire digital platform, including 8 modern and contemporary websites.

My contribution

I took on the role as the lead art director and throughout the project I collaborated closely with the UX team in shaping the concept of the project and transforming insights into practical design solutions. Additionally I worked with the development team on an everyday basis overseeing the design implementation and ironing out crucial edge cases.

Independent websites


Brand Flexibility

Core Challenges

One of the major challenges in designing the new digital platform was to identify and accommodate the diverse needs of eight independent TV stations and encapsulating them into a single cohesive platform while still offering brand flexibility and local ownership, in addition to designing a modern and contemporary website that would be well-received by the local community and able to compete with other professional news outlets.

Getting real with the users

To address these challenge, the UX team conducted a series of workshops to gain insights into the needs of publishers, technicians and consumers. The insights gathered from these workshops gave us valuable information on how people perceive local news, what they felt they were missing, the difficulties editors encounter with current digital tools, and how people typically engage with their local community. After clustering these insights we created viable personas, journey-maps, and identified specific areas of interest and pain points that needed to be addressed. Throughout the project, we frequently referred back to these initial insights to ensure we were always aligned with the customer needs.

Fully flexible framework

For the publishers editorial flexibility was key in addition to automated content layout to reduce the everyday administration needs, the design had to be versatile enough to handle everything from a highly dynamic front page to traditional article layouts, breaking-news section, customized and themed TV-program pages. We achieved this, by steered away from the traditional page-type methodology and embedded a fully modular system that would automatically scale and seamlessly fit together.

Brand flexibility

To allow for brand flexibility across various regions, we allowed for minor styling adjustments for colors, typography, embedded elements such as buttons, play icon and date presentations. These small adjustments, combined with a fully flexible layout, gave each of the eight websites a distinct character and effectively linked them with their individual brands.

Customized news feed

From our insights, we discovered that users wanted news related to regions they had family in or frequently visited, as well as the ability to filtering out unwanted news. Based on these insights, I designed a personalized feed showing news from selected regions and specific city names, read articles would be dimmed down to provide a clearer view of your progression and unwanted news could be removed by a single click.